What is a Fab Lab?
A fab lab is a workshop or space equipped with a wide variety of computer-controlled tools and machines. It is designed with the purpose that almost any idea for a project can be produced by an individual or group. The AHS Fab Lab has an emphasis for its students to develop higher-order thinking skills, use the design process to solve problems, and to increase college and career readiness skills.
How can I tour the AHS Fab Lab?
The Fab Lab is open to tour Monday-Friday 7:15-3:30. Large and small groups are both encouraged to tour the fab. Please visit the Contact page to get in touch and set up a tour. Special requests can be made to tour after hours.
What types of things can I make in the AHS Fab Lab?
The AHS Fab Lab has a variety of machines and equipment to make any ideas or designs come to life. Visit the Equipment section to explore capabilities of some of the machines.
How can I become involved with the Fab Lab?
Community ties and partnerships with groups, companies and individuals are a priority for the AHS Fab Lab. If you would like to donate consumables, have an idea for a machine or project, become a sponsor, or would like to become a part of the Fab Lab's "steering committee," please visit the contact page to get in touch.